What is your body is telling you?
Reflections and the Mirror There is always so much happening in and around us that it can, at times, be difficult to find clarity....
What is our Energy Sharing with us?
If you've been in my world for some time, I'm sure you've heard of me speaking about how our body speaks our mind! More precisely, our...
Archetypes & Patterns Of Energy
Where does much of our external intuitive information come from and how do we recognise it? The simple answer is Energy Fields. In...
Food Wellness: A Way Of Life!
With the festive season here once again, it's great to remind ourselves of the importance of making some space to relax and enjoy time...
A Message Of Hope To Humanity
In a world that's in the midst of big changes, it can seem more chaotic than usual, where many of our previous plans had to be changed or...
Science Meets Consciousness: Where Does Energy Come From?
In today’s blog, we will delve deep into “energy”. From where energy actually comes from to how other people’s energy has the power to...
Business Tips to Build a Successful Healing Practice (in 2021)
I recently had the opportunity to interview Angela Carroll, a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncturist, and...
What is Spiritual Bypassing and How Can We Resolve It
There are all the wonderful reasons to be grateful. For instance, being grateful helps us to hold our energy at a higher vibrational...