Everyone is Intuitive!!
Let me share some things that I'm sure you can relate to in one way or another, especially if you've been in my circle for a while. There...
Energy IS Everything
Harmony and Holism
It's Time to Celebrate!!
It is time to celebrate more often! Celebrate ALL of the little things that make us smile, beyond birthdays, anniversaries, and...
What is your body is telling you?
Reflections and the Mirror There is always so much happening in and around us that it can, at times, be difficult to find clarity....
Creating Space - Meditation Series 2
For this blog, I'm gonna share a little bit more about meditation with you and some of the reasons why meditation will change your life....
Riding the Waves of Life
‘Don’t sweat the small stuff’ is fairly common saying getting about the place or ‘Don’t worry be happy’. Whilst these have a good...