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It's Time to Celebrate!!

Updated: Jul 26, 2023

It is time to celebrate more often!

Celebrate ALL of the little things that make us smile, beyond birthdays, anniversaries, and Christmas, although these are wonderful acknowledgments of loved ones too...

  • Celebrate your favorite meal

  • Celebrate the sun shining or the rain nourishing the trees

  • Celebrate that you are feeling well

  • Celebrate that you have family and friends

  • Celebrate all the great things going on for you

  • Celebrate the opportunity to do something fun

  • Celebrate a job well done

  • Celebrate time to rest

  • Celebrate you for simply being you!

Too often we are quick to judge when we aren't measuring up to our own expectations, and at the expense of seeing all of the good things happening around us too.

One of the basic principles of energy (Universal Laws) is that it always draws to itself, more of the same. Sooooooo whether we are aware of it or not, we are creating our reality in every moment!

I invite you for one week, each day acknowledge anything and everything that you would like to have more of in your life... celebrate it!!

I can pretty much guarantee you that after the week (if you have been able to do this quite a few times each day) you WILL notice a difference not only in how you feel, also in what is happening in the world around you!

The universal or cosmic laws of energy are so fascinating. And so liberating to know how we can start to create our own lives in a way that we truly desire... life was never meant to be stuck in a struggle.

There is truly so much more available for us!

In this video below, I share about the history of these Universal Laws and where they have come from...

If you'd like to learn more about the great mysteries of energetics, keep an eye out for the Unity Consciousness Collective - Initiate Temple which opens its doors once more on the 8-8 Lion's Gate Portal.

This immersion is life-changing!!

To find out more, click here

As always, let me know if you have any questions.

Sending you all my love,

Dr Nx


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