These days we often hear about energy; however, there still seems to be a massive divide between recognising the importance of energetics and how it relates to everything!!
When it comes to our physical health, our relationships and the world around us, ALL of this is determined by our energetics.
In any moment, our energy fluctuates based on our thoughts and feelings... this is 100% usual for us in our human experience. It is also essential that we allow these fluctuations so that the energy can move through us so that we can move back into a state of internal balance.
Some of the most significant issues I see and have personally experienced is 'pretending' that everything is ok when it's not. When we do this, we believe that it will just go away. WRONG!! All of these suppressed emotions become to inhabit our subconscious and our life moving forward is always then filtered through the lens of these same unresolved issues.
Over time we begin to feel aggravated or sad or even disconnected as a way to 'cope' with what we have been trying to hide from ourselves to avoid the initial pain of moving through an experience... can you relate to this?
We might even start to feel guilty and blame ourselves for feeling the way that we do!
The truth is that we ALL have emotional baggage that has come from our past experiences and through our family lines... it is not our fault or the fault of anyone else. It is this human experience where we have the opportunity to stay stuck or to evolve through past patterns that aren't at all serving us.
It is a CHOICE, as always, and we do have complete sovereignty over how we choose to do our own lives.
I recently created this video to share with you some of the keys as to why 'Energy is Everything' when it comes to our health and wellbeing... you can check it out below -->
If you are feeling resonance with this, it's time to take the leap and uplevel your evolution!
Check out all of the wonderful offerings here in the School for Metaphysical Practice.
My intention is for you to go beyond just learning the content. The courses and programs are a deepening and embodiment process that supports you in accessing clarity through your innate wisdom and intuition.
Please reach out with any questions at any time 🥰